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Devilish DFBHD Stats - Powered by BAB.stats Chronos

  Devilish DFBHD Stats

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BAB.stats Ranking System

Rank List

  Image Rank Rating
1 Private 4th 0
2 Private 3rd 40
3 Private 2nd 100
4 Private 1st 200
5 Lance Corporal 4th 350
6 Lance Corporal 3rd 500
7 Lance Corporal 2nd 700
8 Lance Corporal 1st 900
9 Corporal 4th 1200
10 Corporal 3rd 1500
11 Corporal 2nd 1900
12 Corporal 1st 2300
13 Master Corporal 2900
14 Sergeant 3600
15 Master Sergeant 4400
16 Sub Lieutenant 5500
17 Lieutenant 7000
18 Major 9000
19 Colonel 12000
20 Brigadier General, 1 Star 16000
21 Major General, 2 Stars 20000
22 Lt. General, 3 Stars 25000
23 General, 4 Stars 30000
24 General, 5 Stars 35000
25 Chief of State 40000

Rating Points for Player Stats

Stats TypePoints
Headshot Bonus1
Knifing Bonus2
Double Kill Bonus2
Suicide Penalty-0.2
Murder Penalty-2
Medic Save4
Revived by Medic1
Minute in the Zone5
Zone Attack Kill Bonus2
Zone Defend Kill Bonus2
SD/AD Attack Kill Bonus2
SD/AD Defend Kill Bonus2
Flag Capture10
Flag Save5
Flag Carrier Kill2
Target Destroyed10
PSP Attempt1
PSP Takeover4
Team Game Won20

Bonus Points for Weapon Kills

Weapon Points
Knife 0.6
Colt .45 0.5
M9 Beretta 0.5
Remington Shotgun 0.5
CAR15 0.4
CAR15/M203 0.4
CAR15/M203 - Grenade 0.2
M16 0.4
M16/M203 0.4
M16/M203 - Grenade 0.2
M21 0.4
M24 0.4
MCRT .300 Tactical 0.4
Barrett .50 Cal 0.4
M249 SAW 0.2
M60 0.2
M240 0.2
MP5 0.5
Frag Grenade 0.5
AT4 0.2
G3 0.4
G36 0.4
PSG1 0.4
Claymore 0.5
Satchel Charge 0.5
50 Cal Humvee 0.3
MiniGun 0.3
50 Cal Emplacement 0.3
E M Canon 0.2
50 Cal Truck 0.3
Grenade Launcher 0.2
Spas 12 0.5
MP5 Silenced 0.5
P90 0.4
AUG 0.4
SR-25 0.4
OICW 0.4
M4-SD 0.4
551 0.4
G37 0.4
G36c 0.4
AK-47/203 0.4
AK-47/203 - Grenade 0.2
AK-47 0.4
AK-74 0.4
M22 0.4
HR-LAW 0.2
L96 0.4
Glock 18-C 0.5
MP7 0.5
G11 0.4
M1 Rifle 0.4
M60 Silenced 0.2
PSG1 Silenced 0.4
SKS Rifle 0.4
M4 Auto 0.4
LG55 0.4
BR55 Rifle 0.4
SIG SG552 0.4
BR55.6 Rifle 0.4
AR-10 0.4
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